Hand-Knotted Vegetable Dyed Wool 6'x9' Area Rug

Hand-Knotted Vegetable Dyed Wool 6'x9' Area Rug


Youngtse-La Pandgen Plateau Rug By Odegard

This rug is hand-knotted Himalayan vegetable dyed wool and part of Odegard’s Textures In Geometry Collection. Selected wearing techniques are mixed with geometric forms to products designs that visually transform themselves when light plays upon them or the viewing angle is changed.

Measures: 6’ x9’

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Carpets That Are Contemporary Works Of Art

Odegard Carpets strive to preserve artistic heritage by providing artisans with a dignified and rewarding occupation while using the highest quality materials and traditional techniques that preserve and honor the history and culture that inspire our designs. Odegard Carpets have always developed its own designs and leading designers and architects have specified Odegard carpets for a variety of high-end interiors and noteworthy commercial applications. Notable commissions include the J. Paul Getty Museum in Los Angeles to renowned hotels and restaurants such as The Greenwich Hotel in New York City, several Ritz Carlton Hotels and Restaurant Daniel in New York City. As handmade products of distinctive cultural heritage, Odegard Carpets are valuable contemporary works of art in the great tradition of collecting textiles.