Collection Of Contemporary, Custom Hand-Knotted Carpets

Our curated offerings in hand-knotted contemporary custom carpets at SR Hughes consists of creators who are not only design leaders and innovators in the contemporary world of hand-knotted carpets but also in quality and sustainability. Each of our makers is committed to carefully hand selecting materials, adhering to time honored techniques and traditions as well as providing sustainable working and living environments for their weavers. These values and practices speak to our core and are consistent with the SR Hughes commitment to offering contemporary pieces for your home made to be livable and luxurious made to become family heirlooms for generations to come.




Born in France. Designed in Milan. Produced in Nepal.

cc-tapis is an Italian company which produces contemporary hand-knotted rugs which are created in Nepal by expert Tibetan artisans.

The company was founded by Nelcya Chamszadeh and Fabrizio Cantoni in France who have been producing hand-knotted rugs in Nepal for over 18 years. In 2011 cc-tapis moved to Milan where the company is now based and a team of designers lead by Daniele Lora, art-director and partner, innovate through a new approach to traditional methods.

 A strong respect for the materials and for the culture of this ancient craft is reflected in the company’s eco-friendly approach to every step of production, ranging from the hand spinning of the softest Himalayan wool to the use of purified rainwater for the washing of the final products, making each one of cc-tapis rugs unique.

Odegard Carpets


First introduced by Stephanie Odegard in 1987, Odegard revolutionized the world of hand-knotted contemporary carpets. With unrivaled commitment to quality and sophisticated design, Odegard Carpets has been at the leading edge of modern carpet production for decades. All Odegard Carpets are unique, starting with carefully selected Himalayan wool, which is hand-carded and hand-spun by Tibetan and Nepalese craftspeople, using centuries-old techniques. Odegard Carpets production strictly adheres to the highest standards of eco and social responsibility, raising the standard of living for thousands of artisan weavers in Nepal.

Jan Kath

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Inspired by numerous trips to vibrant cities and not least by his native ruhr region with its archaic industrial culture, Jan Kath quickly developed his distinctive signature which is absolutely style-defining.

Jan Kath is one of the world’s most in-demand designers of hand-knotted carpets. He purposely breaks with conventional styles and throws strict design rules overboard.

The man from Bochum doesn’t shy away from combining classic elements from the oriental carpet with contemporary, minimalist design. Another major theme of his current work involves the interpretation of photorealistic motifs in textile art, which Kath perfects together with his carpet weavers in the workshops in Kathmandu (Nepal).